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Breathe For Balance

A yogic breathing exercise that helps with balancing oneself is Ujjayii pranayama, also known as Conqueror’s or Ocean’s breath. The practice of this technique will encourage the mind to become more focused, aid concentration, and improve positivity. It can also help to reduce stress and anxiety, generate internal heat, and reduce respiratory problems. 

How to practice Ujjayii pranayama?

  1. Sit in a comfortable seated position, tall and upright, straight spine, relaxed shoulders and face. Your eyes can be open or closed, whichever you find most comfortable.

  2. Sit for a moment, breathing at your regular pace and allow your body and mind to relax.

  3. Now take a deep breath in through your nose. As you exhale, round your mouth and flow the breath up along the throat and out through the mouth –Just as you would when fogging up a mirror–making a “HA” sound.

  4. Practice this breathing flow for a couple of minutes and concentrate on feeling how the air travels through the throat and out through the mouth. 

  5. Once you’re comfortable with this breath. you’re ready to do Ujjayii breathing. Close your mouth and repeat the flow described above, but this time when you come to exhale, do so through the nose. On the exhalation, you will observe a gentle ocean sound as the breath flows up along the curved back of the throat.

  6. Try to keep the breathing ratio as one second on the inhalation and two seconds on the exhalation (1:2).

Now, whenever you find yourself in a situation when you’re feeling anxious and stressed, instead of letting it get the better of you, practice some Ujjayii breathing.